Sunday, April 23, 2006

Congress covered up White House lies

60 Minutes aired its interview with Tyler Drumheller, the CIA European Chief of covert operations tonight. Several things stand out. First, the White House was not misled by "faulty Intelligence." They intended to go to war, and when the evidence that there was no nuclear weapons program was presented to them, they ignored it. From the interview:
Naji Sabri, Iraqs foreign minister, had made a deal to reveal Iraqs military secrets to the CIA. Drumheller was in charge of the operation.

"This was a very high inner circle of Saddam Hussein. Someone who would know what he was talking about," Drumheller says.
"You knew you could trust this guy?" Bradley asked.

"We continued to validate him the whole way through," Drumheller replied.

At that meeting, Drumheller says, "They were enthusiastic because they said, they were excited that we had a high-level penetration of Iraqis."

What did this high-level source tell him?

"He told us that they had no active weapons of mass destruction program," says Drumheller.
Condi Rice later said that there was only a single source for that information, so it couldn't be trusted, yet they all, especially Cheney, kept telling everyone that Mohammad Atta met with an Iraqi agent in Chezkoslovakia, something also based on a single (unreliable) source.

Second, Josh Marshallll (who has investigated and reported most of this information already) called Tyler Drumheller to check what he had told thinvestigatorsrs from the commissions investigating pre-Iraintelll. Those were the Robb-Silverman Commission and the Roberts Committee. Drumheller stated that he told their investigators everything he said in tonight's 60 Minutes interview. From TPM:
The fact that none of Drumheller's story managed to find its way into those reports, I think, speaks volumes about the agenda that the writers of those reports were pursuing.

"I was stunned," Drumheller told me, when so little of the stuff he had told the commission's and the committee's investigators ended up in their reports. His colleagues, he said, were equally "in shock" that so little of what they related ended up in the reports either.

What Drumheller has to say adds quite a lot to our knowledge of what happened in the lead up to war. But what it shows even more clearly is that none of this stuff has yet been investigated by anyone whose principal goal is not covering for the White House.
The people in the White House are dangerous to America, and the Republican Party has been covering up for them.

Short of Southern secessionon in 1860, nothing has ever been as damaging to America as Bush and the Republican Party currently are.

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