Sunday, February 27, 2005

What is up with North Korea?

Bill Clinton is blogging again. He was visiting Asia and discussed his stop in South Korea. Then he told the following very chilling story about North Korea.

Coming back to the eery feeling you get, when you are in Seoul. This feeling is increased knowing that North Korea now possesses nuclear bombs. We could've taken care of that during my presidency. There was a crisis in the early nineties. The North Korean leader at the time was Kim Il Sung, the father of the current leader. He threatened to build nuclear bombs if we didn't deliver oil to his bankrupt country.

At the time we did not want North Korea, a rogue state to possess these weapons. My administration was adamant that they either give up their ambition or we would bomb their nuclear facilities. The North Koreans continued their threats.

We came very close to bombing North Korea at the time. On our side all systems were go. I called the South Korean president at the time and told him what was about to happen. He flat out told me, South Korea would not join the war.

He told me, if the US attacks North Korea, we couldn't use any of his countries bases, roads, air, territorial waters. In other words, he vetoed the bombing campaign.

I can tell you, I was thunder struck.

Here we are trying to help defend the nation of South Korea and its government has this attitude like they don't care about their safety all that much.

The result of this is that North Korea now has nuclear weapons. And they are in the hands of the strangest dictator on the face of the earth.

When I was president, I read a report. A North Korean submarine was trying to sail to South Korea to put secret agents on its shore. The submarine's engine broke down. It came up in South Korean waters. The seven crew members and agents, who couldn't repair the old submarine, didn't want to be caught by the South Koreans, so they committed suicide.

All of them. When I heard this, I was shocked. It is not normal behavior for any soldier to do so. I commissioned a report. The report told me, these people were part of a decade long program to create human robots. Not electronics, humans so completely brainwashed they behaved like robots and did whatever their leader told them to do.

These human robots begin as orphans in state orphanages in North Korea. They are taught from their first minutes in this world that the North Korean leader, first Kim Il Sung and later Kim Jong Il are gods. They are taught, brainwashed to do whatever their 'Dear' leader asks them to do.

When Kim Il Sung died the program had only been in progress for about two decades. So the robots were about military service age. Right now the program is three decades old. I've seen reports these human robots are now little by little taking over leadership jobs in the North Korean administration. But I think they'll need another ten years to be fully trained and integrated into the administration of the North.

The reason I mention this is the nuclear option. If the US hits the North Korean leader and kills him, what will happen? Will his generals give up or give the order to destroy Seoul, a city with 17 million inhabitants ten miles from the border?

In years past, you might say, if the leader dies, the government structure might crumble. But, now, with the human robots taking over all the sensitive positions in the government, I'm sure they will unleash a holocaust on Seoul if they are attacked.

To be honest, now that North Korea has nuclear bombs and the human robots are old enough to operate them, only a major nuclear attack from our side, killing millions of North Koreans might save South Korea from retaliation.

And as I said, when North Korea didn't have any nuclear bombs, South Korea wasn't interested in going to war with the North. I don't think they are willing to fight a nuclear armed North Korea now. Nor do we.Another aspect of this equation is the role of China. It is clear China uses North Korea to try and scare the US out of Asia. This will not happen. In reality I think China is feeding the crocodile, which one day may eat the hand, which feeds it.

We helped the holy warriors in Afghanistan defeat the Soviet Union. It was a major success, but it also laid the groundwork for the foundation of Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaida.China must understand one thing.

The United States is far away. North Korean missiles might be able to hit a few bears in Alaska, but those same missiles and nuclear bombs are only a hundred miles from Beijing. Who should be afraid?

Based on this set of facts and analysis, it really looks like China and South Korea have a real problem in North Korea. So do we, but not nearly as bad.

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