Friday, August 17, 2007

Fed takes action to improve market liquidity

Bondad reports on the market reaction to the Federal Reserves 1/2% decrease in the discount rate.

What is "the discount rate?"
US banks use a fractional reserve system. All this means is a bank much have x% of its total assets on hand at any given time. However, in a banks usual business affairs their reserves may dip below this percentage amount. When this happens, banks must borrow short-term money from somewhere. Usually, they go to other banks. The interest rate banks charge each other is the Federal Funds rate. In addition, a bank can go directly to the Federal Reserve and borrow money. The Fed will charge the bank the discount rate. Going to the Federal Reserve to borrow money is a last resort and is usually considered a sign of weakness. Therefore, lowering the Discount rate is largely a symbolic gesture because it isn't used nearly as much as the Federal Funds rate.
Go read Bonddad's report on what the market did as a result. He posts neat tech analysis charts.

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