Friday, July 15, 2005

Republican defenders of Rove - his accomplices.

The issue on Karl Rove is not primarily that he might have committed a crime. That question belongs to Fitzgerald who is working on an answer and possibly and indictment. The issue is that Rove called reporters to tell them that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent, and declared her "Fair Game."

This behavior might be a crime, it is possible treason, but it is certainly and without question immoral and unscrupulous.

There is no question that Rove did call the reporters. There is no question that he declared Valerie Plame "Fair Game." He has admitted both. For this he should be removed from all connection with any government. He is a sick, unscrupulous individual, morally unsuited for public service. This is only one of many negative things that disqualify him for work in the government.

Are the Republicans taking action on an immoral, possibly criminal or even treasonous individual working in the White House? Of course not. They are circling the wagons to defend him. Here is a list of defenses presented by high ranking Republicans.

In other words, instead of cleaning up the corruption in the White House, all of the leaders of the Republican Party are joining him as accomplices after the fact. By their refusal to eliminate and punish him for his immoral behavior, they prove that they are like him. Many are actively defending him, and the rest are acquiescing to his behavior and its defense.

The Entire Republican Party is proving that it is as immoral and as untrustworthy as Karl Rove. They need to go before they destroy America.

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