Monday, January 05, 2009

Will Jeb Bush run for President?

George H. W. Bush himself brought up the possibility.

I'm just thinking about a Republican Presidential Primary in 2012 that pits Jeb Bush against Sarah Palin. Wow!


Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure about 2012 but definitely 2016. The Bush family are such power mongers they need to have control over the USA from the top down. I will access the chances of Jebbie running and winning:
1. Obama continues to court the ultra-right wing GOP by fighting the quagmire wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This will really be a breaking point within the Democratic Party. They have laid down the law that the USA must get out of those local wars and work on a rational system of national healthcare. Assume that Obama is bogged down much like G.W. Bush was in Iraq and is totally consumed so badly that he doesn't get anything done for Liberal Democrats like he promised. Just like G.W. Bush turned his back on his right wing supporters, Obama's support will be solid among Black Americans but the liberal leftwing whites will go find another candidate to run in 2012 against Obama in the primaries. Remember that Obama did NOT carry one single large state in the primaries of 2008--Hillary hammered him even in big cities--she still can. So the Democrats split up and the blacks go for Obama and the whites go for someone else who is more liberal and who would guarantee to get us out of a stalemate war over in the mid-East.
Okay, now there is the opening for Jebbie Bush. He would run as a moderate Republican -- since the Democrats will split, I think Jebbie will see his chance and win by a slim margin/get his rich friends to rig the elections/get his dad's buddies on the Supreme Court to appoint him the winner like they did for his brother.
That's my view of how Jebbie would do it in 2012. But, I'm pretty sure he will wait till 2016 to be sure that Obama (who is a really tough campaigner) isn't in the picture. As for Ms. Palin--note that she likes to fly around in heliocopter's like for hunting moose. Well, if she is running against Jebbie in 2012 and factoring in the Bush power mongering history--I would advise her to give up flying in heliocopters or small airplanes. She actually would be safe only traveling by train. If the Bush's decide that Jebbie is going to be President--they have the money, power, connections, etc. to get him elected--GW Bush killed over 100,000 Iraqi men, women, and children to get their oil--do you really think the Bush's give one iotta about a Bimbo Governor in Alaska?

Anonymous said...

Jeb won't run in 2012 on the top of the ticket. One reason is that Obama most likely will still be too popular. Unless there is another terrorist attack that kills like 20,000 people or the economy continues to tank, Obama will glide easily to another election victory in 2012. Obama will most likely dump Biden and either pick up Warner, Kaine, or Napalitano as running mates.

Jeb's best option in 2012, is to run as Romney's running mate. Romney is lining up all the big donors for 2012. He is clearly the front runner for the Republicans in 2012. Jeb knows the public isn't ready for another Bush just yet, but he could run with Romney just to have his name out there. Romney will probably go down for the same reason Jeb would (Obama's too popular), but this would line Jeb up for the parties nomination in 2016. But as the VP candidate he can be the conservative while Romney plays more moderate, which I think is his natural inclination anyway. Romney was never convincing as movement conservative and everyone smelled the phoniness thats why he lost in 2008.

I think Jeb in 2016 will make more sense. He can run as a conservative with a brain and because of his conservative credentials he can pick a moderate like Crist, Huntsman, Jindal or even Snowe or Collins as his running mate and make a real play in 2016. That's my poltical strategy thinking.