Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cheney wants war with Iran - very much

Juan Cole offers an explanation for the revelation by Cheney that Valerie Plame ran a CIA operation that was likely to stop the Iranians from getting nukes. If the CIA had such an operation, and it was effective, then the ability of Dick Cheney to convince the Congress to support a war with Iran to stop their nuclear weapons progress was very low. So to get his war with Iran, Cheney had to destroy the CIA's anti-nuclear proliferation effort aimed at Iran.

It is also well known that someone among the NeoCons leaked to Ahmed Chalabi that U.S. Intelligence had broken the Iranian secret diplomatic codes. Chalabi immediately reported this to the Iranians causing them to quickly shift to codes which are more difficult to break.

If we can't read their diplomatic mail, and we can't keep track of their progress in developing nuclear weapons, and if they clearly are working to create such weapons, our only way of dealing with the threat that the Mullahs of Iran represent will be to militarily invade Iran.

This appears to be the motive behind recent actions by Dick Cheney and the Neocons. They can't get regime change without an invasion, so they will sabotage any U.S. activities which stand in the way of a full-blown invasion and regime change in Iran.

America and the world would be a lot better off if Dick Cheney were no longer Vice President of the U.S.

So what happens to Dick Cheney if (God forbid!) Harry Whittington dies?

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