Monday, November 22, 2004

Conscience and Licensed Medical Professionals

Recently some pharmacists and nurses have refused to give birth control or other sexuality-related information to patients because that violates their personal religious beliefs. They are wrong to do so.

Pharmacists and nurses are licensed medical professionals who are expected to carry out the orders of a licensed physician. The physician is the professional we license to make decisions regarding what medications and medical procedures will be given to patients. Pharmacists and nurses are licensed to carry out the instructions of the physician, not to interpose their religion on that decision.

When the pharmacists and nurses refuse to perform their jobs (based on personal belief or any other reason) then the patient, the physician and their employer each have a valid complaint regarding their failure to perform the job.

If their conscience won't let them do some part of the job, then pharmacists and nurses should surrender their licenses or the licenses should be lifted.

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