Monday, November 05, 2007

Army has recruiting, retention woes as new year starts

Blue girl reports on the Army's recruiting woes.

Normally the Army wants to start the new fiscal year with 25% of the number of recruits needed for the coming year already in the pipeline being processed. But in FY 2007 they were having so much trouble getting the numbers that they offered bonuses of $20,000 for recruits able to leave for basic training before November first. They got their quota for FY 2007, but started FY 2008 with only 9% of the 2008 quota in the pipeline.

There are also problems finding Lieutenants and Captains, while career NCO's are failing to reenlist at the normal rate.

Repeated tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, together with the feeling that the war there is a futile enterprise, are really taking their toll. Those who can are voting with their feet and getting out or not joining in the first place.

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