Saturday, October 08, 2005

What's wrong with movies these days?

Simple. They are boring for the most part. When you've seen one chase scene you've seen them all. How many interesting ways are there to make a car fly? Over an opening drawbridge? Smash through the cop car barrier? Really, who cares?

But special effects of all kinds make very expensive movies. So the artistic control shifts to the money providers, who rarely understand how to make good, interesting human drama.

Kevin Drum thinks we need more good B movies. So do I. "Casablanca" was a B movie.

So who will make good B movies for us to see?

[Click through the Kevin Drum comment and read the LA Times story on how Josh Whedon filmed "Serenity" for a mere $39 million instead of what Hollywood experts expected to be more than $100 million. It is an eye-opening story.]

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