Sunday, September 04, 2005

Disarray at the Top

When the disaster management preparations Bush's government put into place after 9/11 met their first test they failed completely. The Washington Post minces no words.

They calmly reflect on the same events I have been quite angry about. Anyone who looks at the facts and does not seethe in anger simply does not understand government and history.

These are the people who failed to prepare for and properly react to 9/11. They gave the excuse that it was unpredictable and that no one could have known to prepare for it. Weak excuse, but people who don't understand how government functions might buy it.

Now they give us the same incompetent reaction to the much larger and much more predictable disaster of Katrina. Bush learned nothing from 9/11. Instead, like 9/11, Bush dithers and obviously has not idea what to do, so he does absolutely nothing, hoping someone will come in and save his ass like Rudy Giuliani did for him at 9/11.

The disarray at the top of FEMA and Homeland Security is symptomatic of this entire Presidential administration. The reaction? Attempt to cover up the incompetence with photo ops and shift the blame to the governor of Louisiana. Ask Bush. The Buck that Harry Truman famously said stopped at the desk of the President isn't even allowed in Washington, D.C. while Bush is in town. Might interfere with his bike rides or vacations, I guess.

Go look at my article entitled How does Bush think? The White House is run by three men, Bush, Rove and Cheney, none of who have any idea how to administer government. When their government fails as it has continuously since Bush took office, they recoil into PR and blame-shifting. The disarray at the top is symptomatic of the total incompetence at the top.

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