Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Pro-Choice, not Pro-Abortion.

This is from Brewer's New Tavern, a blog that I quit to start this one. Thought I would repost it. It is my position on abortion.

December 27, 2004
I found this on Steve Gilliards' blog.

Democrats support women being able to choose when to have children, ensuring that all children are wanted and cared for. The ability to choose means that

1) women get to choose when and with whom they have sexual relations,

2) are able to choose from a full array of birth control options to avoid becoming pregnant if they do not want become pregnant, and

3) as a last resort access to a safe and legal abortion only up to viability or to protect the life of the woman.

Our position is properly called pro-choice, because it is about having the ability to make the choices necessary to control when and how to have children.

It is not pro-abortion, because if the first two parts of choice are guaranteed then the number of abortions will be reduced dramatically.

As I have learned since then most abortions occur because women have become pregnant too young or when in poor economic situations. Teen mothers do not do a good job of raising children, and do not improve their own economic status well either. A child needs a mother who is in a good enough economic situation to be able to continue her own needed education and still properly care for the child.

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